Mac PowerHouse (MPH) Baghouse Dust Collector 

Industrial Air Filtration

The Mac Powerhouse (MPH) Baghouse Dust Collector is designed to handle fine particulates and heavy dust loads. MPH filters come in sizes and configurations to fit most industrial air quality control applications – from grain, flour and wood dust to coal, rock mineral and chemical fines. 

Reverse-Air System Achieves Exceptional Cleaning 

The MPH Reverse-Air System achieves exceptionally uniform media cleaning. Coperion’s proprietary pie-shaped air distribution arm cleans every bag the same number of times in each rotation – unlike other bag cleaning filter designs which needlessly clean the inside rows of bags with more air than the outside rows, resulting in wasted energy and uneven bag/cartridge wear. 

Computer-designed bag spacing creates lower average internal air velocities and further promotes cleaning efficiency. The use of round filter bags, instead of the oval bags found on other collectors, also contributes to even cleaning. 

The fan blows directly into a rotating cleaning arm that passes over the filter bags. The fan and the gear drive that rotates the cleaning arm both employ explosion proof motors. Filters are designed for 20” W.C. and a maximum operating temperature of 104° F. 

  • Design features of MPH Baghouse Dust Collectors: 
  • Meets air quality standards year after year with minimal maintenance 
  • Low pressure/high volume cleaning mechanism incorporates a centrifugal fan to produce the bag cleaning air 
  • Centrifugal fan blows continuously into a rotating arm passing over bags 
  • No timing mechanism required 

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