Raymond® Vertical Mill

Pulverizing materials in the extreme fineness range

The Raymond® Vertical Mill is a high-speed air swept swing hammer mill used to pulverize materials in the extreme fineness range. The principle of integral air classification, originally developed by Raymond®, has been applied with outstanding success to this mill. As a result, a large number of products can be reduced to 95% to99% passing 15 to 20 microns while others with smaller crystalline structure can be ground as fine as 95% to 99% passing 5 to 10 microns.

The Raymond® Vertical Mill is well adapted to the grinding of non-metallic minerals and manufactured materials in the extreme fineness range. Typical materials processed include graphite, limestone, cocoa powder, marble, kaolin, sugar, talc, certain synthetic resins, organic and inorganic colors, phosphate, chemicals, glass, enamel, food products, pharmaceuticals and a variety of chemicals.


  • Uniform particle size
  • Unit swings open easily for inspection, cleaning and maintenance
  • Easy replacement of wear parts
  • Simple straightforward operation
  • Compact design requires little floor space
  • Available with integral flash drying or water-cooled grinding chamber

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