Co-Ex Master Systems

Turns virtually any twin-screw extruder into a line for high-value center-filled products

CoEx Master Systems upgrade virtually any twin-screw extruder into a production line for high-value center-filled snacks and cereals. It generates a high rate of return, especially when manufacturers maximize its potential for exciting and innovative products.

The advanced process technology is simple to install and run and generates a high rate of return, especially when full use is made of its potential for exciting and innovative snack or cereal products.

Co-Ex Master Systems can turn virtually any twin-screw extruder into a line for high-value center-filled products. The advanced process technology is simple to install and run and generates a high rate of return, especially when full use is made of its potential for exciting and innovative cereal products.

High value products

Bite size or mini pillows with differing shapes and textures add interest and variety, while sweet or savory fillings such as chocolate, praline, fruit paste, cheese, or sweet or savory creams add value and increase positioning opportunities.

Rapid return on investment

A Co-Ex Master upgrade to an extrusion line requires minimal equipment and no extensive plant modifications. Significant value is added to the products to provide a rapid return on investment.

Low cost of ownership

Rapid set-up and highly effective semi-automated cleaning reduce downtime and waste. Giveaway is minimized through individual adjustment of the case and filling, enabling weight control and product dimensions to be accurately maintained.

Request a quote

Our sales team is standing by to help you find and procure the right equipment for your process requirements.

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