Dense Phase Pump
The Dense Phase pump system is a simple, effective and highly reliable method of conveying material from a single collection point to either single or multiple reception hoppers. The Dense Phase Pump has been advanced to efficiently handle all types of bulk solid materials, from fine powders like fly ash to wet lump coal.
Equally suited to transfer either from storage into a process or from a process into storage. Systems are capable of operating at temperatures up to 480ºC with throughput rates ranging from 10-200 t/hr and distances up to 1000 meters. The inherent simplicity of the Spheri® Valve, the only moving part in the Dense Phase Pump system ensures the overall system reliability and low maintenance operation.
MultiDense Phase Pump
The MultiDense Phase Pump is a multi dense phase system is designed for the reliable handling of a wide variety of ash from economizers, air heaters, electrostatic precipitators and waste incinerators. The MultiDense Phase Pump is a simple, effective and highly reliable method of conveying ash from single or multiple collection points to either single or multiple reception silos. The Spheri® Valve is incorporated into the systems and is the only moving part in the vessel. This ensures the system’s reliability and low maintenance operation.
Even with its low height, MultiDense Phase Pumps are capable of throughput rates of up to 100 t/hr and distances up to 200 meters (656 feet) and operating at temperatures up to 480°C (896°F). MultiDense Phase Pumps are specifically designed for conveying of fly ash from multi outlet precipitators or bag filters on power stations.
Our sales team is standing by to help you find and procure the right equipment for your process requirements.