Tweedy SuperCool High Speed Mixer     

High Output Dough Mixer      

Integrates weighing and high-speed mixing     

The Tweedy mixing system integrates weighing and high-speed mixing in a single machine with a common control system. It is suitable for all mechanically developed doughs.

The Tweedy™ is an integrated weighing and mixing system for all types of mechanically developed bread dough. Consistent quality is achieved by rapid mixing in small batches under pressure and/or vacuum, while hygienic design and automatic controls contribute to high levels of availability and efficiency. New SuperCool technology reduces the temperature rise during mixing, making the Tweedy™ the ideal mixer for hot climates.

Consistently high-quality dough

Consistency is achieved through accurate weighing of ingredients followed by precise control of mixing to time or energy. Dough quality is enhanced and controlled by applying pressure at the start of the mix to assist with dough development and vacuum at the end to promote the creation of gas bubbles.

Efficient operation and low production costs

Downstream waste, giveaway and downtime caused by dough stickiness and/or gassing are minimised by short mixing times, small batches and dough temperature control while dynamic scheduling optimises mixer availability and plant output. Product costs are kept low by water absorption rates up to 75% and efficient development of the available protein which produces strong dough from lower protein flour.

Hygienically designed and easy to clean

A bowl wash attachment provides a quick and effective method of cleaning the bowl and lid. The ingredient platform and lid have been designed to minimize the accumulation of debris and make any that does collect very easy to remove. Liquids on the ingredient platform are contained by a fully drained wash-down wet area.

Model Batch size kg / MaximumBatch size kg / MaximumOutput kg/hr
  • Large capacity flour hopper (for low density ingredients)
  • Weigh hopper for additional dry ingredients
  • Metered liquid ingredient feeds
  • Lid connections for additional ingredients
  • Sliding safety gates
  • 140˚ bowl tilt for through-floor discharge
  • Extra hoist tubs
  • Oil spray system for dough tub and divider hopper
  • Divider dough level sensor

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