Material separation technology tailored to fit your process

With the ability to handle anything from 30 micron powders to pieces as large as six inches and throughput rates from a few pounds per hour to more than 200,000 pounds per hour, our highly efficient rotary sifters and flat deck screeners can accommodate almost any food or performance material process requirement.

Flat deck screeners

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Image for Custom sifting technology built for chemical industry
Success stories
Custom sifting technology built for chemical industry

Safe, reliable, and precise sieve solutions from Kemutec.

Image for Food manufacturer maximizes output
Success stories
Food manufacturer maximizes output

Kemutec Sifting Technologies Enable Flatbreads Producer Quick Recipe Expansion

Image for Generating efficiencies for the bakery industry
Success stories
Generating efficiencies for the bakery industry

Kemutec provides quality and safety in baking applications through sifting solutions.